Electronic cigarettes serving as a “Bridge to Freedom” as commercial smokers switch over on their way out of the “Big Tobacco” nightmare

Published in the journal Addiction, a recent study out of Great Britain suggests that e-cigarettes can help smokers quit cigarettes, and the astonishing part is that going to e-cigarettes likens your chances of quitting commercial cigarettes by a WHOPPING 60%. That completely blows away any statistics ever proven by the CDC for scary commercials, mind-altering chantix or zyban chemical medications, the nicotine patch, nicotine gum or any other “shallow” approaches to ridding the body of nicotine addiction and the pesticides, tar and plastic chemicals that have driven most smokers’ health to the brink. That means six out of ten commercial cigarette smokers are likely to drop the cancer sticks when they pick up electronic cigarettes or begin “vaping.”

At this point, most people want the answer to the following question: “Is there more or less nicotine in electronic cigarettes than regular cigarettes?” Answer: There is FAR less nicotine in e-cigs; in fact, the truth is mind-boggling. Commercial cigarettes have been free-based with ammonia since the late 1960s, so the nicotine in the tobacco is “vapor-ready” itself when you smoke a commercial cigarette, giving the smoker a jolt of over 100 milligrams of nicotine (potency), but Big Tobacco publishes misinformation, and you have to dig deeply to find that. You may have heard something like 20 milligrams of nicotine in a cigarette, but that’s not what registers on nicotine level testers. It’s more around 100 milligrams in a cigarette. On the other hand, electronic cigarettes may have as low as 10 milligrams and on down to zero, depending on the nicotine “juice” and to what degree it’s diluted.

The study also revealed that about one-fifth of people who tried e-cigarettes as a stop-smoking aid succeeded in quitting long-term. In other words, even though some people went back to cigarettes, some people never did, and that’s a long-term study statistic. If the other four out of five had just sought a guide, a health guide, per say, or a coach, a mentor, after they quit cigarettes and took up vaping, they could have been helped and never gone back to cigarettes. Natural News Editor-in-Chief Mike Adams has introduce a natural method to quit cigarettes or electronic cigarettes, and the nutritional guide is recommended by David Wolfe, best-selling author and world renowned nutritionist. More information will follow.

Regarding the study of nearly 6,000 smokers switching to e-cigs: The vapor provided by e-cigs contains nicotine (usually), but not tobacco smoke, toxic pesticide, insecticide, herbicide, plastic chemicals used in manufacturing like cellulose acetate or synthetic glass fibers used in the filters that escape into the lungs – so, in other words, vaping is about 1/1,000 as dangerous as smoking cigarettes. Though nicotine is highly addictive and causes health detriment in the long term – especially to the human cleansing organs like kidneys, liver and pancreas – by removing all the chemicals and pesticides, it’s making quitting smoking ANYTHING easier, and in this case, the ends justify the means. Whatever works, they say, do it – QUIT SMOKING. Among the smokers, 20% who tried quitting by using e-cigarettes reported success, the researchers noted.

Removing “withdrawal symptoms” is the key to quitting smoking


Stats and (hidden) facts: 30% of US smokers reported using e-cigs in 2012. Since there are 45,000,000 smokers in the US, that means 13,500,000 people at least tried e-cigs. Since one-fifth (or 20%) are quitting cigarettes for good, that means 2,700,000 people QUIT cigarettes thanks to trying e-cigs. That also means over 10,000,000 smokers already quit smoking and just need a health coach or natural guide to end their vaping (nicotine) addiction and be a non-smoker for life. Not bad for an “accidental” cessation method. It seems that once the pesticides, tar and plastic are removed from the equation, so were the major “withdrawal symptoms” – which were basically a chemical hangover that wrecks the central nervous system, cripples immunity, and ruins sex drive, motivation and “the will to quit.”

Of course, a study published in JAMA Internal Medicine said e-cigs won’t help, but that’s because it was JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) that first ran ads saying doctors recommended smoking for health and digestion. They even went so far as to recommend their own brands. Thousands of doctors were said to endorse cigarettes for decades. Why would they change their stance now? There is too much money at stake for the medical-industrial complex, and Big Tobacco continues to lobby heavily in Washington, DC.

Plus, this electronic study looked SPECIFICALLY at smokers who used e-cigs to try and quit cigarettes. Bottom line according to one of the key researchers:

“If you are able to quit without e-cigarettes at all, that’s the ideal situation, but unfortunately what the data are showing is that people who are trying to quit without any aid may not be as successful.”

The American Lung Association, the CDC and the FDA take issue with electronic cigarettes for one main reason: Since there’s no tobacco being used, tobacco laws and regulations don’t apply. Since e-cigs aren’t FDA-approved, the government officials are reluctant to say anything positive. It’s political red-tape at best. Still, the research is out, it’s long-term research, and it’s positive news. Health enthusiasts would be the wiser not to bother looking for the FDA to approve anything that’s going to remove smokers from the Big Tobacco “American Way.” Plus, according to the SENIOR AUTHOR of the study, proven stop-smoking programs practically TRIPLE the likelihood of quitting smoking compared to going “cold turkey” alone or using OTC (over-the-counter) products. The study authors reportedly received NO FUNDING from e-cigarette manufacturers. This is good news also and builds credibility in the results that are published and readily available to the public.

What you BELIEVE will work usually will

A new French survey, as of June 2015, reveals that e-cigarette users are MUCH MORE HOPEFUL than the general public that the devices will help them quit smoking. This was reported by HealthDay News.

“Vapers” (people who use e-cigarettes) also are much less concerned about how possible toxins in e-cigarette vapors might affect them and those around them, said lead study author Dr. Sebastien Couraud, a doctor of respiratory medicine and thoracic oncology at Lyon Sud Hospital and Lyon University Cancer Institute in France.

Only 30% or so of the general population believes that e-cigs can help smokers quit, but nearly 70% of e-cig users believe it can serve as a bridge to freedom from cigarettes, and belief is a powerful thing. E-cig users are more worried about dying from lung cancer, and they realize that the chemicals in cigarettes are heading straight for that exact health cliff. Still, there will be harsh critics of e-cigs, calling for FDA regulation, banning in public places, and you’ll still hear tragic stories of them blowing up in people’s mouths. But millions and millions of smokers are ending the nightmare addiction of “cancer sticks,” and nobody is complaining about that.

Go from cigarettes to e-cigs (electronic) to NO Cigs

Getting rid of 7,000 chemicals from your hourly intake is HUGE, but even bigger would be to do all of that AND get rid of nicotine too, the third most addicting drug in the world, running close behind heroin and cocaine. For many over the past four years that electronic “e-cigs” have been on the world market, electronic cigarettes have been serving as a “Bridge to Freedom” as commercial smokers switch over on their way out of the “Big Tobacco” nightmare. Sure it’s not recommended, especially by doctors, and sure the e-cig invention and “vaping” were not invented as a cessation method anyhow, and this is based on research and interviews from the original inventor. Still, science isn’t perfect, and neither is drug addiction, so let’s talk about dropping chemicals, by the THOUSANDS mind you, from your hourly intake, and once the “cancer sticks” are gone, we delve into the beginning of the end… of nicotine.

First of all, one out of every three e-cig “fans” will tell you that they quit smoking entirely thanks to e-cigs, and that’s an amazing statistic. Will they stick to it? Maybe. We’ll see. True long-term studies (like decades’ worth) haven’t been done because e-cigs have only been around for a handful of years. Secondly, what happened to the other two-thirds, those smokers that e-cigs didn’t work for, who went back to cancer sticks? Are they still living, or living with cancer, or planning to quit as soon as something REAL comes along that either scares them into quitting or really holds their hand and leads them to freedom?

It is true that e-cigs have a better success rate for helping smokers quit than the nicotine patch, the gum, the medications (Chantix and Zyban) and hypnotherapy – all combined (American Journal of Preventive Medicine), but the ultimate irony is that e-cigs were never meant to be marketed as a quit-smoking aid, according to the inventor, the Ruyan Group from Hong Kong. It just goes to show how brutally toxic the 4,000-chemical-concoction in commercial cigs has become that Big Tobacco has engineered over the past 50 years, and how happy smokers are to have some form of escape from the poisonous prison better known as “cancer sticks.” People just want a way out, and e-cigs shine a little bit of light at the end of that tunnel.

What’s the “Natural Method” for quitting smoking and how does it have a 95% success rate?

14AndOut addresses the chemical addiction, behavioral patterns and rituals, and nutritional guidance so desperately needed to quit smoking for good. If you feel incarcerated by nicotine addiction, you now have the key to free yourself from your nicotine cell. Check out 14AndOut, the most inexpensive, comprehensive method to stop smoking in 14 days or less, and it comes highly recommended by the Health Ranger himself: Premium.NaturalNews.tv.

The e-cig hangover? – the END of addiction.

What most smokers don’t realize is that nicotine creates its own vicious cycle of need and feed. Nicotine is a depressant in the long term, but it serves as a short-term stimulant, so it actually relieves the smoker of the very feeling it created, which quickly wears off from the last smoking session. In other words, a few nicotine drags are like taking aspirin for an alcohol hangover, except most smokers engage in this “hangover relief system” about every hour. It’s a hook and an evil drug from which the body wants to escape. Go from e-cigs to no-cigs as soon as possible and your body will reward you with natural energy and true happiness.

Natural health enthusiasts are sharing research and information on the power of organic foods to heal, maintain and protect the body through thick and thin. For more information on how to successfully quit smoking, check out StopSmoking.news, powered by FETCH.news.















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