Dissecting a cigarette reveals the horrors of what’s really inside – research presented by the “Stop Smoking King”

 Warning: True cigarette ingredients graphically revealed…

To find out exactly what is crippling your central nervous system and your immune system, one has to literally dissect cigarettes, which is what I’ve done for you, and this is a big part of what I am communicating with you now. In the 14AndOut live class (Quit Smoking Seminar), my students (clients) cut open a cigarette and the filter, and we bring out magnifying lenses, and they have to look at the ingredients up close, and smell the toxic chemicals. This puts a shock in your soul, and when your nose, your eyes, your brain, and your whole way of thinking does a 180 turn, you realize what you’ve gotten yourself into on a daily basis. When you see the glass fibers in the filter and mix them with tar (I use toothpaste or black caulking for effect), you get your fingers in the mess that your lungs are dealing with all the time.

When you smell the sample of the ammonia, the bleach, and most of all, the PESTICIDE that I bring to class, you realize the toxic suffering for which you are paying $5 a pack. You realize and you train your mind for quitting. If you have those cleaning chemicals around the house, when you take a break from reading this, go take a little sniff of a few, and you will engage these topics a little better, trust me. You want to quit and quit for good?? —You’ve got to know what it is you’re quitting! Think about this for a second—why don’t cigarettes go out in heavy wind? You can hold your cigarette out the car window while driving down the road and it won’t go out. Why? You think it’s just tobacco and regular rolling paper? Try rolling your own and see what happens. Plastic and carpet glue in the paper?

That’s correct; wrapping mats are cross-woven with cellulose acetate to burn hot and evenly. Ever been touched and burned by the lit end of a cigarette? I have. I still have the scar on top of my right hand, 35 years later. The tip of the cigarette burns at about 1700 degrees Fahrenheit during the inhale, and over 1,000 degrees when idle between drags. You think that’s just paper and tobacco burning?! Think again. You’re burning cellulose acetate—a plastic used in photo film!

That’s why there are so many house fires started from cigarettes, even the “fire-safe” ones, which are loaded with extra “carpet glue” rings. You are burning over 4,000 chemicals, including ammonia and pesticide. That means you are smoking bug and worm killer with every cigarette, every drag. Take a cigarette and cut it in half long ways, so you cut the stem that holds the tobacco and the little spongy filter. Spread everything out with your fingers and if you have a magnifying glass, grab it. Ever wonder why cigarettes burn so evenly, from start to finish? They never trail up one side. Are they wrapped in simple paper, or is there more to it than that? Is something flammable weaved carefully into the paper that wraps the tobacco? You bet your last 5 bucks there is! We will cover this in full a little later.

Why are cigarettes white?

Trees are not white, they’re brown, but most cigarettes are white. They’re bleached. Since the paper has been dyed white with bleach that means you’re smoking bleach. Yes, it does. You’re burning it and breathing it in, over and over again, and that’s just the beginning. Did you know that when you mix ammonia with bleach and burn it—it’s a form of lethal mustard gas (chlorine gas)? Never try it at home, you could choke to death, just leave that “modern science” laboratory work up to the professionals who are making cigarettes. Did you also know that Big Tobacco executives also invest their money in chemotherapy and cancer treatment equipment? They know how to take your money and your life away. It’s all an elaborate plan.

cig map of chems

Question: What happens when you burn pesticides, insecticides, and weed killers, like RoundUp?

That’s what they spray in huge doses on the tobacco plants to keep away bugs and weeds! You better believe it’s a cocktail of poisons. And now corporations (ie: Monsanto and Dow Chemical) bio-engineer, meaning they inter-splice Roundup pesticide with seedlings in order to grow plants (corn, soy, tobacco, etc) that are actually composed of weed killer, that way the plants are immune to the chemicals, no matter how much they use—it’s called GMO, genetically modified organisms (bacteria and viruses mixed)… but what about us HUMANS?! Research shows these companies use up to 15 times MORE PESTICIDE on genetically modified vegetation (GMO) and the plants live through it.

Filters take 15 years to disintegrate–why?

What’s the big mystery, aren’t they just cotton and paper? Another big question to ask your self right now: Why does it take up to 15 years for a cigarette filter to disintegrate? If the cigarette filter was just cotton and paper, and I threw it in the yard, it would be gone after a couple of rainstorms. What also keeps the filter from getting hot? Is it cotton or some form of a sponge? You can smoke it down to the nub and your fingers won’t even get warm. How is it insulated? Could it be some kind of glass fibers, maybe some form of glass wool or fiberglass insulation, like in your attic? All of these questions will be answered as we move along, and once you have the answers, you will have the keys to quitting. Keep reading. Remember, nicotine isn’t the ONLY thing that has you hooked: Consider this … why do most smokers like a cigarette after meals? There’s not a chance in the world that the nicotine aids in digestion, so what’s the deal? Hundreds of smokers who were surveyed said it “relaxes” them, and helps with digestion, but how? And if you quit smoking, what will you do to replace this “benefit” that’s gone?

I’ll explain now. For over 75 years, cigarettes have been pushed on the American masses through advertisements on television, radio, in magazines, and on billboards, but few people realize that the initial “evil seeds of thought” were planted in the 1930’s, when Camel convinced smokers that cigarettes aid in digestion, beginning and perpetuating the myth. The year was 1936, and the horribly misleading Camel advertisement featured doctors, yes I said doctors, who recommended smoking at least one cigarette between each course of your Thanksgiving dinner “for digestion’s sake.” The ad was FDA approved and appeared in Life Magazine, and was intended to infuse a psychological addiction that convinced smokers they could build up a sense of “digestive well-being.” Camel used convincing tag lines saying they “Never tire the taste or get on the nerves,” and (Camels) “Speed up the flow of digestive fluids,” “Increase alkalinity,” and “Help your digestion to run smoothly,” and of course, “Good food and tobacco go together naturally!”

Does the 75-year-old brainwash have YOU brainwashed? Snap out of it!

Advertising has tricked smokers psychologically. How many smokers still believe today that it aids in digestion? Nearly every smoker, if asked, will tell you they enjoy a cigarette after meals, but it’s actually the breathing pattern (long inhale, hold, long exhale) that a smoker enters into when they light up that relaxes them, but most smokers fail to realize it. Let’s be very clear here, nicotine does not aid in digestion, and neither do the other 4,000 chemicals in commercial cigarettes. In fact, cigarettes are one of the most detrimental and systemically damaging legal substances you can consume.

Every inhaled puff of smoke contains free radicals which inflict damage on every system in the body, especially the digestive track and the intestines. Smoking increases the risk of Crohn’s disease, gallstones, peptic ulcers and liver disease. The chemicals bond to the walls of healthy tissue in the esophagus, windpipe, and stomach, disordering DNA and causing the cells to degrade. I’m sure you know lots of dangers of smoking, you’ve “heard them all before,” but this is education about your vital organs, so bear with me for a minute. According to the American Diabetes Association, cigarette smoking has “demonstrable effects on blood sugar,” making type two diabetes more likely. Smoking also ages the tissues of the pancreas, which creates defects in the digestive system. You cannot live without your pancreas, and 95% of people who get pancreatic cancer will die from it. It’s the least “curable” cancer there is today. I’m here to make sure this NEVER happens to you!

cig parts map

This info really matters to you so keep reading: I promise to keep this part simple and to the point. Smoking impairs the lymphatic and immune systems, and can damage the soft tissue lining of the intestines. That’s why colon cancer is prominent in smokers. Although the liver doesn’t seem like part of the digestive system, it actually filters the nutrients and toxins from the blood, in a process called first-pass metabolism. Smoking severely constricts this liver blood flow. After long term use of nicotine, the body becomes dependent on it, recycling toxins back to the liver, and the result is constipation. The more you smoke, the worse it gets. The only solution is to get off nicotine and detoxify the liver, so e-cigarettes won’t help. BIG TOBACCO TARGETS WITH EVIL PRECISION! Do you know that the U.S., Japan, and China alone make up over 75% of the world’s smokers? It’s true. All over the world, children and teens still recognize the Marlboro Man and Joe Camel as being “cool,” and women have consistently been a target market for cigarette advertising, pushing the tall and slim look. The problem is that even if you’re tall and slim, you still get the same kind of cancer.

The celebrity Sammy Davis, Jr. was a smoker who died in 1990 of throat cancer. In his final years, he courageously made several public service announcements about the evils of smoking, but unfortunately, he forgot to tell everyone that cigarettes do not aid in digestion.

If you or a loved one smokes now, there is a natural method that can help you quit inside of 14 days–it’s called “14AndOut – the Natural Method with proven results. It’s time to check out the one-hour streaming video and learn the organic way out of this mess called commercial, domestic tobacco addiction. Watch the free preview/trailer to the video that includes a highly recommended nutritional guide!

cut cigs

Click HERE to watch.















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