Man quits smoking by changing his computer password

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over 16 million Americans suffer from a disease brought on by their cigarette-smoking habits. (1) Fortunately, the CDC also notes, “Overall smoking prevalence declined from 2005 (20.9%) to 2012 (18.1%).” (1)

While the decline is good news, there are still many people who struggle with lighting up, challenged with battling both their smoking-related ailments and their desire to quit. In fact, approximately 17 million Americans attempt to quit every year, with only 1.3 million of them actually remaining successful in their quest. (2)

The power of the right password to quit smoking

Mauricio Estrella, however, has quit with ease, and he has his computer password to thank. (3) That’s right, a computer password. Indeed, a force at his computer helped him overcome his unhealthy cigarette-smoking habit. Turns out, that powerful force was Estrella himself.

A creative director in Shanghai, the man decided to change his computer passwords to ones that reflected positive mantras. Therefore, rather than creating a series of random letters and symbols or unusual word pairings, Estrella instead chose ones that pertained to very specific personal life goals. To help stop smoking, he created “Quit@smoking4ever,” and now he says that it worked; it’s been two years since he’s changed his passwords, and he’s still smoke-free. (3)

Simple tips to help one quit smoking

Develop mantras

Regularly logging on for Estrella meant the constant typing in and thinking of encouraging words, a repetitive habit often heralded by meditative experts as a way to reinforce positive phrases that can create change.

In fact, Ed and Deb Shapiro, who have authored over a dozen mediation-related books, explain: “Mantra meditation is like spiritual food; it awakens your creative process and nourishes your spirit, while habitual or agitated thinking patterns are released. In the process you discover the silence behind the sound. It is like a broom that sweeps your mind free of clutter.” (4) They explain that creating change in thought patterns and, ultimately, habits can be as simple as listening to music that involves soothing and joyful chanting, or simply sitting comfortably and repeating a chosen mantra either silently or aloud. (4)

Eat healthier

Another effective way to help kick the habit is by making dietary changes. Eating healthy foods instead of processed, sugary ones can help fight the urge to light up while also helping the body with its healing process. (5)

In particular, crunchy foods such as celery, nuts and grapes are advised. Not only do they satisfy cravings and help the body as it starts repairing itself, but they contain nutrients that can help smokers fight off feelings of depression that might settle in upon quitting. (5) Furthermore, the superfood combination of maca and mucuna has been shown to provide dual benefits among smokers trying to quit. (5) Together, those two superfoods help reduce the urge to smoke while also restoring harmony to any mood swings.

Don’t stop at just one approach

Doing everything possible to quit smoking is always encouraged. Refrain from being surrounded by others who regularly light up. Find new hobbies to take your mind off the habit. Toss processed foods and choose healthy ones with some crunch, like nuts. Engage in reciting mantras. And of course, why not change your computer passwords to creative mantras that instill powerful “I can do it” feelings? It worked for Estrella, and it just may work for you.

Sources for this article include:






About the author:
A science enthusiast with a keen interest in health nutrition, Antonia has been intensely researching various dieting routines for several years now, weighing their highs and their lows, to bring readers the most interesting info and news in the field. While she is very excited about a high raw diet, she likes to keep a fair and balanced approach towards non-raw methods of food preparation as well.

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