09/08/2015 / By stopsmokingnews
Are you sick of “trying” to quit cigarettes? You’ve tried to lose weight before, right? You don’t have time to exercise or you just don’t feel like it. Has this line of questioning hit a nerve? That’s not the intention. The two BIGGEST hooks in the bad health “arena” are cigarettes and diet soda, and every “player” loses, unless they get off both hooks and stay clear of them, forever. The secret is in the escape, and it’s like a complicated maze, but you have the map. Just put one hand against the wall and you can walk yourself right out of the maze!
The year 2016 is around the corner. What’s in store for YOU is success, health and a positive outlook. The clock is ticking, every second, either against you or in your favor. Smokers realize as well as the obese they have will power, and that it’s only human to want to be healthy and feel good all day and night, but food and chemical addictions are sold to the public everywhere you turn your head, and the mind game of commercials, shallow warnings and Hollywood stars endorsing carcinogens leads you to believe the only way out is to have the right guide and do it yourself. Well, you’re right.
Chemical cleansers, bug killer, weed killer, roach killer, ant killer and other hazardous synthetic toxins can be found around and inside most households in America. If people get a little bit on their skin, they run to a sink to wash it off well, and they are sure NOT to put their fingers in their eyes, nose or mouth before washing! Smokers smoke these chemicals every day, every hour, every drag, and the carcinogens enter their bodies as a vapor, hitting the heart and brain within three seconds. The nicotine serves as the aspirin for the cigarette hangover, or the chemical “let down” smokers experience about thirty minutes after smoking a cigarette. The immediate “nicotine hit” relieves the smoker of the nervous feeling that AMMONIA, BLEACH and PESTICIDE are causing. It’s a vicious cycle.
There’s only one solution. Wean the body off nicotine while infusing the best nutrition on planet Earth, especially for the first fourteen days. Nutrition is the secret to escaping cigarettes forever, rather than quitting and then going back to smoking again later.
“Commercial cigarettes contain arsenic, formaldehyde, lead, hydrogen cyanide, nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide, ammonia … They make it cancerous, and then they make it addictive! Only a portion of the tobacco inside a cigarette comes from the leaf of a tobacco plant. A significant amount of the shredded brown innards of most modern cigarettes is a paper product called “reconstituted tobacco” or “homogenized sheet tobacco,” which is made from a pulp of mashed tobacco stems and other parts of the tobacco leaf that would otherwise go to waste.
In addition, like the tobacco, the cigarette paper contains a host of chemicals, among them titanium oxide, which accelerates and maintains burning so the cigarette does not go out and the smoke is delivered evenly with each puff.” (http://truedemocracyparty.net)
Aspartame and Sucralose are Trojan horses with “evil men” inside (carcinogens) that want to destroy your health and make you fat. Those sweet tasting chemicals have tricked your body into ingesting them, and this mutates your cells and causes irritable bowels in a digestive tract that’s out of whack. By ingesting soda, you are ruining your good gut bacteria with phosphoric acid, and this kills immunity. Use organic honey to make your drinks sweet, or Stevia. It’s time to flush the chemicals from your system and feel alive again. Don’t let the corporate demons sneak chemicals into your organic being. Your body is the temple of your soul.
It’s almost 2016. New Year’s Eve will be fascinating and exhilarating if you feel like a million bucks! You have complete control. You simply can’t let others take advantage of you anymore, selling you slow death and taking away your energy and health. Don’t be fooled by the jokers of this world who seek your demise. Be wise. Start your NEW year off with a beautiful truth, and that’s your secret to being happy.
Smokers who have the will now have the way! Study a proven map to success – 14AndOut. In one hour you can learn how to stop smoking naturally in 14 days or less. By combining chemical knowledge, behavior modification and nutrition, you’ll be firing on “all cylinders” within a few weeks. Don’t suffer another cigarette hangover and don’t suffer from chemical-food disease!
Here’s a of the presented by the Health Ranger, Mike Adams.
Make your 2016 New Year resolution right now. Be healthy, exercise daily and eat right. And remember – the body feeds the mind!
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